Join Pastor Thomas for his message based on Acts chapter 24, which tells the story of the apostle Paul's arrest and trial. Pastor Thomas emphasizes the importance of seeking true peace, which comes from the Prince of Peace, rather than false peace that comes from ignoring issues. He also emphasizes the need to focus on positive things and think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Lastly, he also highlights the peace that comes from having faith in God, even during difficult times.
- Sep 10, 2023Part Acts XXXV – Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos: Lessons from Paul’s Journey
Sep 10, 2023Part Acts XXXV – Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos: Lessons from Paul’s JourneyBy: Rev. Thomas Eng
Join Pastor Thomas for his message based on Acts chapter 24, which tells the story of the apostle Paul's arrest and trial. Pastor Thomas emphasizes the importance of seeking true peace, which comes from the Prince of Peace, rather than false peace that comes from ignoring issues. He also emphasizes the need to focus on positive things and think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Lastly, he also highlights the peace that comes from having faith in God, even during difficult times.
- Sep 3, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Jesus as a boy
Sep 3, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Jesus as a boyBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he looks at the life of Jesus as a boy. This is the last sermon in his 3 part kid friendly summer sermon series.
- Aug 27, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – King Josiah
Aug 27, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – King JosiahBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he looks at the life of King Josiah who ascended to the throne of Israel at the age of 8 years old.
- Aug 20, 2023The Calling
Aug 20, 2023The CallingBy: Doug WiemerJoin Jordan Ruby, Pastoral intern at Pine Grove Community Church as he shares the message.
- Aug 13, 2023Enduring Heart Ministries: A Place of Encouragement, Rest, and Refuge
Aug 13, 2023Enduring Heart Ministries: A Place of Encouragement, Rest, and RefugeBy: Doug WiemerJoin Doug as he shares his testimony and talks about what God is doing in his and Sandy's life. He also speaks about Enduring Heart Ministries, which aims to provide encouragement, rest, and refuge for healing the hearts of God's people.
- Aug 6, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – Samuel
Aug 6, 2023Sunday Kids Sermon Series – SamuelBy: Rev. Thomas EngPastor Thomas looks at the life of Samuel, the first in a child-friendly 3 part sermon series this month at Church.
- Jul 30, 2023Pastor Liz’s Farewell Sermon
Jul 30, 2023Pastor Liz’s Farewell SermonBy: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she shares her last sermon at North Grenville Community Church. She will move on to be the lead pastor of Polson Park FMC in August 2023.
- Jul 23, 2023Acts – Part XXXIX – From Earthly Tents to Heavenly Dwellings
Jul 23, 2023Acts – Part XXXIX – From Earthly Tents to Heavenly DwellingsBy: Rev. Thomas Eng
In this sermon preached by Pastor Thomas Eng, he focuses on Acts 23 as the text for his message. The sermon emphasizes the importance of living a sacrificial life for others and the empowerment that comes from hearing Jesus speak. Pastor Thomas highlights the example of the apostle Paul, who lived his life for the sake of the gospel and was willing to lay down his life for others. He encourages the listeners to surrender themselves and offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, as a true act of worship. The sermon also touches on the concept of occupying an earthly tent while awaiting a heavenly dwelling, and the need to patiently await the day of eternity. Pastor Thomas acknowledges the challenges of living a sacrificial life but emphasizes the importance of seeking God and following Jesus, even in the face of opposition. The sermon concludes with a prayer for strength and guidance in facing the challenges of a life of sacrifice.
- Jul 16, 2023Announcement from Bishop Cliff and Pastor Thomas’s Sermon from the Book of Acts
Jul 16, 2023Announcement from Bishop Cliff and Pastor Thomas’s Sermon from the Book of ActsBy: Rev. Thomas EngPastor Thomas reads a letter from Bishop Cliff Fletcher to our Church and continues his sermon series in the book of Acts.In this sermon, Pastor Thomas reflects on the challenges faced by pastors and individuals alike. He draws inspiration from the apostle Paul's experience of being arrested and put on trial. Despite having the right to a fair trial, Paul chose to share his testimony instead. Pastor Thomas emphasizes the importance of finding encouragement in our own testimonies and the words of Jesus. He highlights the ongoing nature of God's guidance and the need to listen and follow His voice. The sermon concludes with a reminder to create space in our lives to hear from God and to trust in His promises for the future.
- Jul 9, 2023Acts – Part XXXVII
Jul 9, 2023Acts – Part XXXVIIBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he talks about Acts 22. This sermon focuses on the importance of sharing one's testimony and being a witness for Jesus. The main points of the sermon include the significance of remembering and sharing our past experiences, the day we were saved, and the hope of heaven. Pastor Thomas encourages the congregation not to be ashamed of their past but to use their testimonies to fight against spiritual battles and lead others to Jesus. He emphasizes the example of the Apostle Paul, who boldly shared his story even in the face of persecution. The sermon highlights the power of personal testimonies in strengthening one's faith and impacting others.
- Jul 2, 2023Acts – Part XXXVI
- Jun 25, 2023Baptism
- Jun 18, 2023The Story of Abraham and Isaac: A Lesson on Faith and Trust | Genesis 22
Jun 18, 2023The Story of Abraham and Isaac: A Lesson on Faith and Trust | Genesis 22By: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she discusses Genesis 22, where God tests Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. She explains that this test shows the progress of Abraham’s trust in God and the difference between obeying and trusting God. Pastor Liz invites you to read along and ask questions as we explore the story together.
- Jun 11, 2023Facing Resistance and Growing in Grace: Lessons from Paul’s Life – Acts – Part XXXV
Jun 11, 2023Facing Resistance and Growing in Grace: Lessons from Paul’s Life – Acts – Part XXXVBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses the importance of trusting God's will and avoiding pride and boasting. The purpose of the sermon is to encourage listeners to submit to God's plans and ways, and to pray for His will to be done in their lives. The key information includes warnings against putting oneself in the place of God, the fleeting nature of life, the need to avoid arrogant schemes and boasting, and the importance of doing good and submitting to God's will. Pastor Thomas also encourages listeners to trust in God's love and plans, and to pray for His will to be done in their lives.
- Jun 4, 2023The End of an Era: Paul’s Departure and His Last Advice to the Ephesians – Acts Part XXXIV
Jun 4, 2023The End of an Era: Paul’s Departure and His Last Advice to the Ephesians – Acts Part XXXIVBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Paul's farewell address to the Ephesian church in Acts chapter 20. He emphasizes that the purpose of the church is to care for those in need and spread the message of Jesus. Pastor Thomas also reflects on the importance of relationships founded on Jesus and passing on wisdom about the purpose of life to loved ones. The main message is that the church is all about Jesus and our last words should reflect that.
- May 28, 2023Acts Part XXXIII – The Adventure of Following Jesus | A Sermon on Risk and Faith
May 28, 2023Acts Part XXXIII – The Adventure of Following Jesus | A Sermon on Risk and FaithBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Acts 20:1-12. He talks about the importance of following the Spirit of God and taking risks in life. He uses examples from his own life, the book of Acts, and the life of Jesus to show how God leads people into adventures that they might not have chosen for themselves, but that result in blessings and miracles. Pastor Thomas encourages his listeners to trust God and not be afraid of the storms that might come their way, because God is good and will never leave them nor forsake them. He also explains the significance of Pentecost Sunday as the day when the Spirit came to empower the believers.
- May 21, 2023Acts – Part XXXII – How to Rise Above the Crowd: Lessons from Acts 19
May 21, 2023Acts – Part XXXII – How to Rise Above the Crowd: Lessons from Acts 19By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Acts 19:23-41, where the apostle Paul faces a riot in Ephesus caused by silversmiths who oppose his message of Christianity. He draws parallels between the ancient crowd and the modern social movements that can distract or influence Christians. Pastor Thomas urges his listeners to follow Jesus as the great shepherd of the sheep and not to go with the crowd.
- May 14, 2023Mothers Day Sermon – Acts Part XXXI
May 14, 2023Mothers Day Sermon – Acts Part XXXIBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Acts 19.
- May 7, 2023How Is It Between Us?
May 7, 2023How Is It Between Us?By: Rev. Liz StewartJoin Pastor Liz as she asks the question, how is your soul? This message includes worship and communion. Please use the timestamps to navigate around the episode. Timestamps: 00:00 - How is your Soul? 06:36 - Worship Music 19:15 - Scripture Reading James 5:13-18 20:09 - Sermon 37:31 - Communion
- Apr 30, 2023Acts – Part XXX
- Apr 23, 2023Be Patient – Part II
Apr 23, 2023Be Patient – Part IIBy: Rev. Liz StewartSeries: Be PatientJoin Pastor Liz as she continues her sermon series on patience as found in the book of James.
- Apr 16, 2023Be Patient – Part 1
Apr 16, 2023Be Patient – Part 1By: Rev. Liz StewartSeries: Be PatientJoin Pastor Liz as she discusses patience, as found in James 5:7-9.
- Apr 9, 2023Easter Sunday – April 9, 2023
Apr 9, 2023Easter Sunday – April 9, 2023By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas for his Resurrection Sunday sermon.
- Apr 2, 2023Palm Sunday – April 2, 2023
Apr 2, 2023Palm Sunday – April 2, 2023By: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as found in Acts 19.
- Mar 26, 2023Acts – Part XXVII – Sharing Truth
Mar 26, 2023Acts – Part XXVII – Sharing TruthBy: Rev. Thomas EngJoin Pastor Thomas as he discusses Paul sharing the Gospel as found in Acts 18.