Sunday March 3, 2019

The 24 Hour Prayer Retreat is going well.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up to pray.   Join us for the Concert of Prayer from 10:30 – Noon on Saturday, March 2nd.   At the concert of prayer, our plan is to pray through three topics, one each half hour. The topics are praise, unity and vision. The praise section will include music and encourage worship. The focus on unity will be on unity within the body of believers in Kemptville. Lastly, we will seek God’s vision for our community and area.  
Doug Sprunt will be our guest speaker on Sunday morning.  Following the service, everyone is invited to stay for the Family Sunday lunch.  The menu is soup and sandwiches.  If you are able to help the Pastoral Care team out by supplying a dessert that would be appreciated.

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